Isaiah 8:18  Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me.

We are so happy to have you home, sweet girl!
Today, Lilah-Kate turned 3!  We threw our little chick a little chick party!  She had a blast at the park with her family, friends, five little chicks and a bunny.  It was a very special day for all of us!  We are so excited to share this first of a lifetime of birthday with our sweet girl.

 can someone say blue sucker?!

Visited Orange Beach, AL in July and had a wonderful family vacation!  We watched our little girl play in the sand near her family in front of a beautiful hotel and marveled at how much her life has changed.  She warmed up to the sand and ocean where by the end of the week, she was asking to go out into the surf and dunk down in the waves!  She continues to have many first time experiences and we are so excited to watch each one.  We are crazy about this girl!

 first steps on a beach

 tutu tired!

She loved the beach!